Confidentiality policy



1.1       Carers’ Support East Kent is committed to providing a confidential service. This policy applies to all staff, Trustees and volunteers of Carers’ Support East Kent. All staff, Trustees and volunteers must respect the need for confidentiality of information held about anyone by the organisation and about any of Carers’ Support East Kent’s business. This is expected to continue even when contact with individuals has ceased – for example if a Carer no longer receives a service from us or a staff member or volunteer no longer works for Carers’ Support East Kent.

1.2      Information that is covered by this policy includes:

  • Information about individuals – e.g. Carers, those who are cared-for, staff, or volunteers
  • Information about the organisation, for example its plans or finances
  • Information about other organisations



2.1      Information will only be passed to another agency or to individuals outside of the organisation with the consent of the person to whom the information relates. Where possible we will obtain written consent. If a member of staff or a volunteer intends to share or gain information from another agency in order to support a Carer, this must be explained and the Carer must consent. This consent must be recorded on the Carer’s records.

2.2      No personal information about staff, volunteers, Trustees, Carers or those they care for will be given to any third party without consent. This includes members of the individual’s family.

2.3      Under no circumstances must details of a Carer or a person that they care for be discussed with anyone outside of the organisation, or in a public/open space in such a manner that it would be possible to identify the individual.



3.1      In certain circumstances Carers’ Support East Kent reserve the right to break confidentiality. These circumstances include:

·      If we believe that an individual is at risk to themselves or others.

·      If we suspect or have knowledge of abuse.

·      If we believe a crime has been, or may be committed.

·      If disclosure is required by law, for example under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

·      If an individual has been assessed as lacking mental capacity and we are required to act in their best interests.

3.2      The decision on whether to break confidentiality will always be taken by a manager, except in exceptional circumstances if there is immediate danger and an individual may be required to act in accordance with our safeguarding policy and procedures.



4.1      Clients or anyone external to the staff or volunteers within the organisation should report any concern about breaches of this policy using the Complaints & Compliments Policy.

4.2      Staff and volunteers must report breaches of this policy to their line manager. Trustees must report breaches of this policy to the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

4.3      Breaches of this policy will be managed through Carers’ Support East Kent’s Complaints & Compliments policy and/or Disciplinary procedure.



5.1     Staff, volunteer and Trustee awareness in relation to this Policy is incorporated in the Induction Programme.  All are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, confirming adherence to the policy.

5.2      A copy of the confidentiality policy is available to any relevant interested party upon request.



 Data Protection & GDPR Policy

Data and Document Retention Policy

E-mail Use Policy

Social Media Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Complaints & Compliments Policy