Health – non-regulated service providers declaration Please complete the form below to help us understand if we can refer clients to your for services that you provide. Our privacy notice is available here. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.About the business1. Business name *2. Business address including postcode *3. Name of accountable manager *4. Job title of accountable manager *5. Business contact number *6. Business email address *Insurances7. Are you a sole trader? *YesNo8. Do you have employers liability insurance (not required if you are a sole trader)? *YesNo9. If you have employers liability insurance, how much cover do you have? *10. Employers liability insurance expiry date *11. Do you have public liability insurance? *YesNo12. How much public liability insurance cover do you have? *13. Public liability insurance expiry date *14 Do you and / or your staff use their personal vehicles in the course of their work? *YesNo15. Are those using personal vehicles for work insured for “Social, domestic and pleasure including business use”? *YesNoDon't knowSafeguarding16. Do you maintain the relevant standards to assure safeguarding of vulnerable adults, including satisfactory enhanced Disclosure Barring Service checks for staff (and volunteers) in contact with, or accessing data about, vulnerable adults? *YesNo17. Do you have procedures in place to responding to suspicion or evidence of abuse or neglect to ensure the safety and protection of individuals who access your service? *YesNo18. Can you confirm that basic training on the prevention of abuse and self-neglect is given to all staff and volunteers within three months of employment commencing and/or engagement in activities with individuals? *YesNoGovernance19. Do you have a Whistleblowing policy which includes procedures under which staff and volunteers can raise, in confidence, any serious concerns that they may have and do not feel that they can raise in any other way? *YesNo20. In the last three years have you had any finding of unlawful discrimination made against your organisation by an Employment Tribunal, an Employment Appeal Tribunal or any other court (or in comparable proceedings in any jurisdiction other than the UK)? *YesNo21. If "Yes", please provide details *22. In the last three years have you had any complaints upheld following an investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission or its predecessors (or a comparable body in any jurisdiction other than the UK), on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination. )? *YesNo23. If "Yes", please provide details *24. Have you been convicted of breaching environmental legislation, or had any notice served upon you, in the last three years by any environmental regulator or authority (including local authority)? *YesNo25. If "Yes", please provide details *26. Do you comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974? *YesNo27. Will you notify Carers' Support East Kent of any safeguarding and risk concerns that we may have? *YesNo28. I can supply documentary evidence of insurances upon request *YesNo29. I confirm that I am authorised to provide this information on behalf of our organisation, that the information given is correct, and that I will notify Carers’ Support East Kent of any changes to the above as they happen. *YesNo30. Please tick to confirm that you have read and understood our privacy notice *I have read and understand the privacy notice.NameSubmit