Adult social care roadshow 2024

What’s ‘Making a difference every day’?

Following the pandemic in 2022, we looked at how adult social care could enable people to live their best lives. In co-production with people that draw on care and support in Kent, together we created a vision and a five-year strategy that set out our aims up to 2027.

Our shared vision: “Making a positive difference every day, supporting you to live as full and safe a life as possible and make informed choices”

When we developed our plans, people told us what mattered most to them: personalised support and more choice and control over their own lives. Carers told us they would like their voices to be heard and valued too. To find out more, you can read the strategy and summary of what people told us.

Why now?

In June 2024, we’ll be nearly halfway through our plan. We’ve been working hard to get the foundations right to do things differently, but still have more to do.

We’d like to:

  • update you on what’s been achieved since 2022
  • discuss what that means in practice
  • reflect on what’s working well and what needs to work better two years on
  • hear your preferred ways of accessing information and advice
  • identify how we reach underrepresented communities in Kent
  • explore innovations and new possibilities to help people live a full life

Get involved

Come and talk to us at our informal workshop discussions and pop-up stands in community venues over the next couple of months. Initial dates are below but more workshops and locations will be released. Sign up on Eventbrite for your nearest workshop or contact us via the details below. Look out for us at community events hosted by partners too and say hello.

Benefits of attending

As well as having the opportunity to share your views direct with us, our friendly team will be on hand to signpost you to local resources near you that support independence and wellbeing. They’ll share how people’s voices have already influenced what we do and can give you a tour of our technology and digital support offer.

Bookable workshops*

25 September 2024 10am to 12pm Ditton Community Centre, Kilnbarn Road, Aylesford ME20 6AH Click Here

If you are hosting a community event soon and would like us to attend, please get in touch

*More dates and locations to be released soon. Subject to change depending on demand.


Where can I find you?

Contact us via to reserve a free space at a community venue near youYou can also call on 03000 413 998 if you’d prefer to phone us.


We’re also at regular information events, hosted by partners. Please come and say hello if you’re in the area on the day.


Contacting us

If you access care and support yourself, are a carer or are interested in finding out on behalf of someone else, you’re encouraged to join our local discussions by registering here on Eventbrite. Or contact us via to reserve a free space at a community venue near you. If you’d prefer to phone us, call 03000 413 998. Let us know if you have any specific needs or requirements.


Please come along to one of the events above or get in touch via, if you wish to get involved in the next one.


*Please note this is an informal engagement opportunity and not a public consultation. For current public consultations run by KCC please visit the consultation section of Let’s Talk Kent