Carers’ Support East Kent joins Kent Invicta

We’re excited to have recently become members of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. 1 in 9 people in East Kent is a Carer, looking after a relative or friend who cannot manage without their support. Many Carers also combine their caring responsibilities with working. We are looking forward to opportunities to raise awareness of Carers in the workplace and partnering with East Kent businesses.

Companies can help Carers by:

  • Supporting our Time for Me Appeal
  • Helping raise funds for us through employee fundraising events, dress-down days, bake sales and other fundraising activities.
  • Making Carers’ Support East Kent the company’s charity of the year
  • Signposting our information and support services to employees
  • Actively supporting employees who are Carers (we can help you)

Email or call 07566 795161 to discuss how your company could partner with us to support East Kent’s Carers.