Free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) changes

Please note how central-Government pays for free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is changing from the new financial year (2022-2023).

From April 2022, if you require any further PPE you will need to register with the national Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) PPE portal by completing this sign-up form. Once registered you can place orders with the DHSC directly as-and-when you require.

The current ordering process is still in place, but please place any final orders via the Kent County Council website before 24th March 2022. After this time, it will only be possible to access free PPE via the DHSC portal.

If you have any questions on registering with the portal, please contact the DHSC portal customer service team on 0800 876 6802 – available 7am-7pm, 7 days a week. Alternatively you may wish to speak with the Community Navigation organisation in your area to support you with ordering PPE.