Time for Me Appeal launches

As part of our 20th anniversary, we are launching our Time for Me Appeal to give Carers access to some much-needed time for themselves.

Being a Carer can be rewarding, challenging, isolating and exhausting. Many Carers find they don’t have time to look after their own health and social needs. Even short breaks from caring responsibilities to do things most of us take for granted can be a lifeline, but may not be easy to achieve, even more so during the pandemic.

  • 78% Carers in Kent say they don’t get the breaks they need (Kent Carers Matter 2019)
  • 64% Carers haven’t been able to take any breaks from their caring responsibilities during the Covid pandemic (Caring behind closed doors, Carers UK October 2020)

Jan from Aylesham is a mum of three, a Carer for her young adult autistic son, and also works as a part-time paid care support worker. She says:

“As my son’s Carer I’m his constant advocate with education and health services to get his needs met, the person who prompts him about everything (because his memory and organisational skills are poor) and supports him with everyday tasks. Having a child with a disability is isolating and my wellbeing has suffered through trying to get what is right for him. I have some physical health issues but never get time for appointments, I’ve neglected myself. My son suffers with anxiety due to his autism so I can only leave him for extended periods when he is mentally in a good way.

I enjoy being a Carer for my son but as Carers, everything we do revolves around the needs of the person we care for. It would be amazing to just feel yourself for a little while. I would love to have even half a day in a spa or to meet friends for a coffee, just time to feel human for a little bit, be a person, not someone’s Carer. I haven’t been to a hairdresser in 6 years!”

You can support our Time for Me Appeal by making a donation, joining our ’20 in 21′ fundraising challenge, taking part in a Bake 4 Carers sale or nominating Carers’ support East Kent as your charity of the year.

Jenny McCarthy, Fundraising and Partnerships Manager at Carers’ Support East Kent says:

“With your support, our Time for Me Fund could give a Carers like Jan a much-needed break…a little me time to do the day-to-day, everyday things that most of us take for granted. We’re hoping Carers will start to benefit from our Appeal later in the year.”